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May 14, 2003
Wahhabi Horse
The latest suicide-terrorist attacks once again raise this question: Are the Saudis the enemies or the allies of al Qaeda? The answer, frustratingly, is both. We know that al Q...
May 11, 2003
Mr. Hariri Goes to Washington
By Amb. Richard Carlson According to the Washington Post, a fellow you've probably never heard of named Rafik Hariri wants to build a $25 million house in Washington, D.C., a Kenned...
May 7, 2003
Fork in the Road Map
It happened 55 years ago. Israel had declared its independence on May 14th, 1948 and was immediately invaded by Arab armies intent on strangling the infant nation in its cradle....
May 4, 2003
Demise of a Dictator
By Amb. Richard Carlson Those who have followed the war of liberation in Iraq know how slanted and unfair the news coverage has been in parts of the Arab world. Quotes like this from Pal...
May 4, 2003
North of the Border
By Stephen Schwartz WHILE WESTERN MEDIA and politicians peddle their alarums in the aftermath of Iraq's liberation, focusing on Syria and Iran, attention should also be paid to Saud...
May 1, 2003
A Battle Is Won
President Bush's address to the nation Thursday night was more than just an inspired photo op and a tribute to the troops. It also was a welcome elaboration of the president's vision of...
April 30, 2003
Abu Mazen’s Alternative to Terrorism
Death and destruction aside, what is most disturbing about Tuesday's terrorist attack in Tel Aviv is who has claimed responsibility. The attack was jointly planned by Hamas and the Al Aqsa M...
April 30, 2003
Bombs, Bugs and Poisons
“We have yet to find any weapons of mass destruction. …Does it matter that we were misled into war?” - New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, 4/29/03...
April 29, 2003
U.S. foreign policy an ideological struggle between Powell, Rumsfeld camps
By Philip Dine WASHINGTON _ The outcome of a tug-of-war between the administration's two most powerful Cabinet members _ Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Col...
April 27, 2003
Bashing Bashar
By Amb. Marc Ginsberg ACCORDING TO pre-Islamic Alawi belief, people at first were stars in the world of light, but fell from celestial orbit through disobedience. Faithful Alawis believe...
April 26, 2003
Winning the Peace
Start by recognizing what's already been achieved: With the toppling of Saddam Hussein the United States has removed a ticking time bomb, neutralized a sworn enemy who was preparing to take...
April 24, 2003
Syria and Bashar Assad
Assad provided Saddam with military support, including night...
April 23, 2003
Foggier Bottom
Look at the history of the last dozen years and you can only come to one conclusion: Generals learn; ambassadors don't. In 1991, U.S. forces methodically and efficiently pushed Sadd...
April 22, 2003
The Two Faces of Fascism
By Stephen Schwartz What is the difference between Dennis "Justin" Raimondo, who publicly encouraged U.S. service personnel to desert, not long before the Iraq operation began, and his a...
April 20, 2003
Mogadishu, Mon Amour
American and European intellectual elites were not moved to action when 182,000 Kurds - a people who trace their history back more than 3,000 years - were slaughtered by Saddam Hussein....
April 19, 2003
Selective Outrage
By Stephen Schwartz I was as disturbed as any student of Near Eastern and Islamic history would be at the destruction of the National Library in Baghdad in the chaos following Iraq'...
April 17, 2003
Oil, Food and a Whole Lot of Questions
President Bush's call to lift economic sanctions against Iraq could mean the end of the United Nations oil-for-food program, which has overseen the country's oil sales since 1996. Not o...
April 16, 2003
But Who Was Protecting Iraqis From Human Shields?
.By Norah Vincent The ironies of war are always bitter, but few are rich and still fewer have ever been quite so rich as those that have enshrouded the farcical crusaders we have...
April 16, 2003
Preemptive medicine
Among the many ways America is exceptional is this: Average citizens living in the heartland often carry more wisdom in their guts than the elites living in the intellectual capitals hold in thei...
April 9, 2003
Let America Be America the Liberator Again!
By Stephen Schwartz Iraq is free. The dictatorship has fallen. The process that began with the end of Marcos, the fall of the Berlin wall, and other democratic victories has reached the...
April 8, 2003
You call this liberation?
My phone rang this morning before 6 A.M. It was a CBS News producer. “I’m sorry to wake you,” she said. “But we have some extraordinary pictures coming in and we wondered...
April 8, 2003
Hitler, Elvis, Saddam
What if we never find out for certain whether Saddam Hussein is dead or alive? What if - Hitler-like - Saddam has now vanished, with most of the world presumi...
April 6, 2003
Oil for Food, Money for Kofi
IT'S HUGE, OPAQUE, PERVERSE, run by the United Nations, and about the last thing a postwar Iraq will need. But after a short pause, the Oil-for-Food program is with us once again, revived la...
April 6, 2003
U.N.Reliable – U.N. Investigations Focus on Process, not Substance
"Cover-up" may sound farfetched, given the number of hearings and investigations now zeroing in on the United Nations Oil-for-Food scandal. The Iraq Governing Council began its own inquiry back i...
April 3, 2003
U.N. Go Home
By Stephen Schwartz THE WAR FOR IRAQ'S LIBERATION began on March19. The fourth anniversary of the NATO intervention in Kosovo was March24. Kosovar Albanians, a majority of whom are...
April 2, 2003
True Left Versus the Lunatic Fringe
By Norah Vincent The left is not dead. It isn't dying. It hasn't lost its moral mind. In fact, after nearly a decade of decline and...
April 1, 2003
Beneath the Surface
By Terry M. Neal As the mainstream media obsess over the operational details of the war in Iraq, something ominous is brewing in lands beyond that does not portend well for the United St...
April 1, 2003
How Goes the War?
No one promised you a rose garden. Where did you get the idea that Iraq would be a cakewalk? Who told you that Saddam Hussein's regime would fall like a house of cards?...
March 31, 2003
Progress in Iraq
Opponents of the use of force to remove Saddam Hussein are now criticizing the campaign's progress. Anti-war activists and a number of European and Arab leaders continue to call on the United States to withdraw and leave Saddam in power. Meanwhile, Arab media such as al-Jazeera portray the allied forces in Iraq as “invaders.” It is worth highlighting a few key points to put the war in Iraq in perspective.
March 31, 2003
The Saddam No-Show
Well, one thing’s for certain: Saddam Hussein has not hired David Frum and Peggy Noonan as speechwriters. After Iraqi state television announced “Saddam to Address Nation Tue...
March 31, 2003
Iraq belongs to Iraqis
By Frank Gaffney It has been clear for many months that the wild card in any campaign to liberate Iraq would be not the quality of American military might or the malevolence of Saddam Hu...
March 30, 2003
Mugged by Surreality
By Stephen Schwartz FRANCE HAS ALWAYS BEEN a country with a divided soul: on one side, a record of humanistic Enlightenment philosophy and modern art unrivalled by any other nation; on t...
March 26, 2003
Wahhabism in the War
By Stephen Schwartz ON THE IRAQI WAR FRONT, Sunday, March 23 was a blood-red day for the terrorist Wahhabi movement, funded by "our Saudi allies" and aiming at control over world Islam....
March 25, 2003
It’s Not Unilateralism
A political cartoon in Sunday's Washington Post shows the word "unilateralism" written in sand with Uncle Sam asking: "Do you think this would make a good foundation" for U.S. foreign policy...
March 25, 2003
Brazile Says Her Party Must Support Troops
By Donald Lambro Democratic strategist Donna Brazile says she backs President Bush's war to overthrow Saddam Hussein and wants her party's leaders to project a stronger message...
March 24, 2003
Liberating Iraq; Will the people of Baghdad bask in freedom after the war?
By Dr. Walid Phares After the amazing technological display of "shock and awe" in Baghdad, which destroyed Saddam's palaces and ministries, a second awe is brewing. While the first...
March 23, 2003
Fear Not the Shias
By Stephen Schwartz Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, an Iraqi American and president of the largest Shia Muslim congregation in North America, speaks perfect English. He sits with quiet dignity...
March 19, 2003
Interview with Stephen Schwartz
By Katie Bacon What misunderstandings about Islam do you most want to correct with this book? First, I want Westerners to get over their fears. Second, I want to correct the mis...
March 19, 2003
The War is Justified by Saddam’s Evil…It Will Give Iraq a Better Future
By Richard Chesnoff There's a lot of hand-wringing over what happens to Iraq after Saddam Hussein is ousted, which he will be very shortly, now that the war has begun....
March 18, 2003
Five things that grownups should no longer believe in: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Tinker Bell, the United Nations and the "international community." Let�...
March 11, 2003
Jewish Guilt
What do Sen. Carl Levin, author Michael Lerner, activist Phyllis Bennis, opinion journalist Bruce Shapiro, and civil-rights advocate Michael Ratner have in common? All are among the veritable pha...
March 11, 2003
French Twist
Now we know for sure: France is the sort of ally who will always be there when she needs us. When America needs France, by contrast, we're about as welcome as a McDonald's at Versailles...
March 9, 2003
Butcher Enablers
By Stephen Schwartz That is the real nature of the Muslim Students' Association of the U.S. and Canada (MSA)? This octopus-like entity has infiltrated numerous college and universit...
February 24, 2003
When is Terrorism Justified?
Our message … is clear," Attorney General Ashcroft said last Thursday. "We make no distinction between those who carry out terror attacks and those who finance and manage [them]."...