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January 28, 2004
Repeal the Patriot Act?
If you've seen The Godfather, Scarface or The Sopranos, you're familiar with the routine: Federal agents know who the crime bosses are, and what crimes are be...
January 27, 2004
Weapons of Mass Distraction
We've reached an intriguing moment in the saga of evil regimes and weapons of mass destruction--their presence or absence, and the uncertainty zone between. In Iraq, the U.S. and th...
January 27, 2004
Baathist Broadcasting Corporation Blasted
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Lord Justice Hutton has delivered his report on the death of Dr. David Kelly, the British scientist who had devoted many years to investigating Saddam Hussei...
January 26, 2004
What Bush Should Tell Turkey
Authored by Andrew Apostolou, Zeyno Baran The visit of Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on January 28 is an opportunity for the U.S. to help an important al...
January 25, 2004
Where Are the ‘Stans’?
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The New Great Game: Blood and Oil in Central Asia by Lutz Kleveman, Atlantic Monthly Press, 288 pages, $24 Central Asia is now one of the most impor...
January 25, 2004
Palestinians, Israelis React Differently
During my recent trip to the Middle East, I visited Yasser Arafat's presidential compound in Ramallah in the West Bank. As we drove into the compound, our Palestinian escorts highlighted the...
January 20, 2004
On Offense: Bush’s “forward strategy.”
Think of Tuesday night's speech as the third part of a trilogy. In his 2002 State of the Union, President Bush forged Iraq, Iran, and North Korea into an "Axis of Evil" that must not be allo...
January 19, 2004
Egypt on the Economic Cusp
I just returned from a remarkable conference in Cairo, Egypt, put on jointly by the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and Instituto Libertad y Democracia. ILD is led by Peruvian economist and...
January 18, 2004
Guilty as Charged
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Two years after President Bush’s much bemoaned 2002 State of the Union address, the charges that he leveled against the “Axis of Evil” have...
January 14, 2004
The Imperfect Storm: Anti-war Warriors Cloud Recent History
President Bush has made his share of enemies – political, ideological, personal and stylistic. These opponents now appear to have joined together in an ad hoc alliance bent on proving that...
January 13, 2004
Plutonium Patsies
Give North Korea credit: Even the killer regime of Kim Jong Il has not managed to stamp out every last glimmer of creativity. Some of the most innovative diplomats hail from Pyongyang, where they...
January 12, 2004
Iraqi Goose, U.N. Gander
Authored by Andrew Apostolou When the U.S. 4th Infantry Division pulled Saddam Hussein from his hole in the ground on December 13, 2003, the Iraqi dictator was meek, bizarrely offering t...
January 11, 2004
The Twin Fates of Saddam and U.N. Tribunals
Authored by Austen Givens Saddam Hussein's arrest has created a critical question: Where will he be tried? The answer will be incredibly important for both international la...
January 7, 2004
Self-Defense Fence
It takes some nerve to scold people for defending their children from terrorists -- the more so when their method of defense is simply to erect a fence to keep the murderers from reaching their i...
January 6, 2004
Osama Targets Iraq
In his latest public statement, Osama bin Laden has made Iraq the central staging grounds for his perpetual jihad. In fact, Osama bin Laden's newest audiotape had three purposes: to...
January 1, 2004
Muslims – stand with democracy, not dictatorship!
Authored by Oubai Shahbandar The Iraqi tyrant has been captured, the Iraqi people are now free. They no longer live in the prison of Saddam's Baathist regime – Saddam now resi...
December 31, 2003
Lessons Learned
Militant Islamists first used terrorism against Americans more than 20 years ago when a Hezbollah suicide bomber slaughtered 241 marines in Beirut. But the US learned little from that defeat, jus...
December 30, 2003
Deal With the Devil
With Moammar Gadhafi's conversion--if that's what it is--there's greater hope that other tyrants may scrap their programs for weapons of mass murder and offer snap, unconditional t...
December 29, 2003
NRO’s Crystal Ball
Clifford D. May Some exceedingly unlikely predictions for 2004: Just prior to the Iowa caucuses, Howard Dean speculates that “the most interesting theory” he has heard...
December 29, 2003
Natural Sovereigns of Iraqi Oil
There is now widespread speculation in the nation's capital that as a result of stubborn Iraqi resistance to the U.S. occupation, American officials have fundamentally altered their plans to...
December 28, 2003
Symposium: Militant Islam vs. Turkey
Why has Turkey become a target of Islamists' Holy Jihad? Joining Frontpage Symposium to discuss this issue with us today, we are joined by: Ersel Aydinli, an assistant professor of...
December 28, 2003
Why They Will Fight On
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The capture of Saddam Hussein was a significant accomplishment, evidence that the United States is winning the low-intensity war in Iraq. His followers, howe...
December 27, 2003
Benazir Bhutto Assassination: Strategic points about the Terror Attack
Strategic points about the Terror attack 1.Mrs Bhutto has been criticizing the Islamists constantly during her political campaigns, since her return to the country. Senior ne...
December 23, 2003
Point: Preemption
Authored by Matthew Louchheim Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States faced an unfamiliar threat that warranted a bold strategy to confront the mu...
December 23, 2003
Hussein Capture, Gadhafi Move are ‘Geopolitically Significant’
It has been a great week for the United States and an extraordinary time to be in Israel. The amazing capture of the Butcher of Baghdad in a rat-hole near Tikrit was followed quickly by the surpr...
December 21, 2003
Between Iraq & a Hard Place
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Libya’s announcement that it will close down its weapons-of-mass-destruction programs is an important vindication of American and British foreign polic...
December 18, 2003
Symposium: Snatching Saddam
Saddam has been captured. What does this development signify for the Iraq war and the War on Terror? Frontpage Symposium explores the issue with three distinguished guests: James Woolsey, directo...
December 17, 2003
Howard’s End?
The current issue of National Review carries a photograph of a maniacally snarling Howard Dean. “Please,” reads the headline, “nominate this man.” Na...
December 17, 2003
Giovedì (Translation)
Last week's arrest of Saddam Hussein has created a fundamental question: Where will he be tried? The implications of the answer will be incredibly important for both international law...
December 17, 2003
With Saddam’s Fall Arabs May See the Light
Saddam Hussein's capture is cause for celebration, but his story must be seen in a larger context. It is part of the continuing and profoundly troubled saga of Arab nationalism. In the decad...
December 17, 2003
Saddam: The Ceaucescu of the Arabs
What happened Saturday in Iraq? Yes, coalition forces captured Saddam Hussein. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. The historic moment is in fact broader, more significant and comprehensive...
December 16, 2003
Iraqi terrorism exposed
Authored by Austen Givens An article released yesterday by United Press International and published by The Washington Times online provides firsthand insight into what has been largely s...
December 16, 2003
What Does It Mean?’
Many fine stories have been written this past week honoring Robert L. Bartley, editorial-page editor for 30 years of The Wall Street Journal, who died last Wednesday at 66. In many ways Bob wrote...
December 15, 2003
Rebuilding Iraq With Clean Hands
With Saddam Hussein finally in custody and the future of Iraq looking a little more secure, we're hearing calls for President Bush to rip up the list of countries that the United States has...
December 15, 2003
One Down, Dozens More to Go
We got Saddam Hussein. Now, what about all the other dictators? That long list of surviving despots makes up the true axis of evil, which is the source of the worst troubles of the moder...
December 14, 2003
Saddam’s Capture is a Multifaceted Victory
Just as it was beginning to appear that Iraq's illusive former despot would evade US forces indefinitely, the remarkably quiet capture of the Iraqi “Ace of Spades” in a tiny hole...
December 13, 2003
Iraq Rocked
American troops digging a literally lousy Saddam Hussein out of a hole in the ground is certainly a cause for celebration. And those astonishing pictures of the fearsome Nebuchadnezzar wannabe lo...
December 10, 2003
The Geneva Initiative
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder
December 10, 2003
Iraqis for the “Occupation”
Yesterday's demonstrations in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities were a benchmark: Iraq's resistance to terrorism has begun. Ironically, the first TV station to report such a revolutionary...
December 10, 2003
America Didn’t Plan for this Kind of War
The 21st century wasn't supposed to be like this. We Americans were meant to be spending our “peace dividends,” while the high-tech stocks in our 401Ks grew like Jack's bean...
December 10, 2003
A New Front in the War
Authored by Andrew Apostolou, Zeyno Baran The recent terrorist outrages in Istanbul, Turkey, have opened up a new front in the war against terrorism. Turkey, a key U.S. ally...
December 8, 2003
The Dean Machine
It's come to this: Howard Dean will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2004. Today, the remaining Democratic candidates will be brainstorming furiously, trying to figure out...
December 3, 2003
Imperialism instead
Authored by 2003 FDD Student Fellow, Ariel Beery Columbia's conference on U.S. imperialism in the 21st century this Friday, so soon after the deadly suicide bombings in Turkey, show...
December 3, 2003
Hatred, European-style
In the wake of September 11th, people of good will were naturally concerned that innocent Muslims might be scapegoated. But in Europe, something else happened: anti-Semitism surged....
December 2, 2003
Is Bush Selling Out?
Contrary to current wisdom, the fate of the free world does not hang entirely on whether America can transform the wreck that was Saddam's Iraq into a civilized nation. While Iraq is a criti...
November 30, 2003
Democratizing Iraq
By Eleana Gordon, President George W. Bush has staked the credibility of the United States, and his own legacy, on the success of the democratic experiment of Iraq. Yet many Americans wi...
November 26, 2003
Losing the War of Ideas; Why America Doesn’t Need To
Immediately following 9/11, much of the world expressed great sympathy for the United States. That sympathy probably would have persisted – if a victimized America had been willing to conti...
November 24, 2003
Reply to Rumsfeld
In a memorandum dated October 16, 2003, and subsequently leaked to the press, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, asked a series of questions about the conduct of the war against terrorism. In response, FDD has prepared this White Paper exploring two core areas of concern for Secretary Rumsfeld:
November 23, 2003
What the Iraqi Generals Tell Us: An Explanation for the Misestimates of Saddam’s Weapons.
Many have waxed wroth at both the CIA's purported misestimates and the Bush administration's alleged deception regarding stockpiles of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. But although se...
November 20, 2003
Istanbul’s Nightmare Returns
By Dr. Walid Phares Once again, we witness bloodshed in Istanbul at the hands of al-Qaida. This time, the tragedy involves British diplomats and bank employees. To understand al...