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December 10, 2003
Iraqis for the “Occupation”
Yesterday's demonstrations in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities were a benchmark: Iraq's resistance to terrorism has begun. Ironically, the first TV station to report such a revolutionary...
December 10, 2003
America Didn’t Plan for this Kind of War
The 21st century wasn't supposed to be like this. We Americans were meant to be spending our “peace dividends,” while the high-tech stocks in our 401Ks grew like Jack's bean...
December 10, 2003
A New Front in the War
Authored by Andrew Apostolou, Zeyno Baran The recent terrorist outrages in Istanbul, Turkey, have opened up a new front in the war against terrorism. Turkey, a key U.S. ally...
December 8, 2003
The Dean Machine
It's come to this: Howard Dean will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2004. Today, the remaining Democratic candidates will be brainstorming furiously, trying to figure out...
December 3, 2003
Imperialism instead
Authored by 2003 FDD Student Fellow, Ariel Beery Columbia's conference on U.S. imperialism in the 21st century this Friday, so soon after the deadly suicide bombings in Turkey, show...
December 3, 2003
Hatred, European-style
In the wake of September 11th, people of good will were naturally concerned that innocent Muslims might be scapegoated. But in Europe, something else happened: anti-Semitism surged....
December 2, 2003
Is Bush Selling Out?
Contrary to current wisdom, the fate of the free world does not hang entirely on whether America can transform the wreck that was Saddam's Iraq into a civilized nation. While Iraq is a criti...
November 30, 2003
Democratizing Iraq
By Eleana Gordon, President George W. Bush has staked the credibility of the United States, and his own legacy, on the success of the democratic experiment of Iraq. Yet many Americans wi...
November 26, 2003
Losing the War of Ideas; Why America Doesn’t Need To
Immediately following 9/11, much of the world expressed great sympathy for the United States. That sympathy probably would have persisted – if a victimized America had been willing to conti...
November 24, 2003
Reply to Rumsfeld
In a memorandum dated October 16, 2003, and subsequently leaked to the press, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, asked a series of questions about the conduct of the war against terrorism. In response, FDD has prepared this White Paper exploring two core areas of concern for Secretary Rumsfeld:
November 23, 2003
What the Iraqi Generals Tell Us: An Explanation for the Misestimates of Saddam’s Weapons.
Many have waxed wroth at both the CIA's purported misestimates and the Bush administration's alleged deception regarding stockpiles of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. But although se...
November 20, 2003
Istanbul’s Nightmare Returns
By Dr. Walid Phares Once again, we witness bloodshed in Istanbul at the hands of al-Qaida. This time, the tragedy involves British diplomats and bank employees. To understand al...
November 19, 2003
Tough Choices?
There are really only two choices: 1) Win the war in Iraq, or 2) accept defeat. And don't deceive yourself: That's the debate that has now begun. Of course, politicians being p...
November 19, 2003
Hearts and minds
By Ariel Beery There are a number of wars raging around the world right now, but none of them are more important or more pivotal than the war for the hearts and minds of the Muslim/Arab...
November 18, 2003
Fool Me Thrice
By Andrew Apostolou Saddam Hussein is running a successful public-relations campaign. He has already been given a clean bill of health by most media outlets over WMDs, allowing those who...
November 18, 2003
Bush Plays the Palace
President Bush's "Three Pillars" speech at Whitehall Palace today may have been the most significant of his presidency. What's more, he was almost as eloquent as Tony Blair. It must be...
November 18, 2003
Is Iraq Like Vietnam?
Whether Iraq will be the next Vietnam may be very interesting, especially to those still basking in the I-told-you-so glow of Saigon's fall. But taking into account that this is 2003, here&#...
November 17, 2003
Britain, the Pro-American Voice of Europe
By Andrew Apostolou President George Bush’s forthcoming state visit to Britain is being derided as an ill-advised trip at an even more ill-advised time. An American president, vili...
November 16, 2003
Jihad in Istanbul
By Walid Phares There is no doubt about it: the final target in the terrorist attacks against the Jewish synagogues of Neve Shalom and Beth Israel in Istanbul, beyond the Jewish communit...
November 14, 2003
Blind Support’ For What?
Michael Lerner and Cornel West claim they "dare" to question "America's almost blind support for Ariel Sharon's government." But that's a false premise -- from which they leap to a...
November 12, 2003
Tortured Logic
Twenty years ago, in what some regard as the start of the terrorist war against America, Hezbollah suicide-bombers attacked the US Embassy and the Marine barracks in Beirut, slaughtering more tha...
November 11, 2003
The Right to Exist
Michael Lerner and Cornel West regard themselves as brave because they “dare” to question “America’s almost blind support for Ariel Sharon’s government.”...
November 6, 2003
A Saudi Glasnost?
By Andrew Apostolou Saudi Arabia's rulers are now paying lip-service to supporting an experiment with a Gorbachev-like program of Perestroika and Glasnost. But are they serious? If...
November 5, 2003
Oil Junkies
In World War II, it was mostly up to Americans to fund the Allied war effort. Imagine if we had been obliged to fund the Axis effort, too. Actually, that shouldn't be hard to imagin...
November 5, 2003
Israel right to defend against terrorism
By Spencer Patrick Brett Weingold's piece in Wednesday's paper was mind-boggling. He says, "It is difficult to accept Israeli claims of virtue when the blood of innocent Palest...
November 5, 2003
Comparisons Difficult for Terrorists and States
By Nomi C. Deutch I applaud Mary Ann Zimmerman for initiating public discussion on the issue of terrorism.However, I think she is missing the point about why there is a difference betwee...
November 4, 2003
Gadhafi Must Go
In the war on terror, one of the strangest developments--and that's saying a lot--has been the step-by-step return to polite society of Libya's terrorist-sponsoring tyrant, Moammar Gadh...
October 29, 2003
Why No Blue Helmets?
The UN has announced that it's pulling out of Iraq because Iraq is too dangerous. Previously, of course, Iraq was a safe place - for UN employees, that is. For Iraqis, by contrast, it was a...
October 29, 2003
Will Power
Last spring, the U.S. military proved two theories that had been far from certain: (1) Americans can muster the will to fight a war, a real war, deploying ground troops – not just high alti...
October 28, 2003
King and Country
Co-Authored by Bernard Lewis Following the recent passage of the Security Council resolution on Iraq, the key issue continues to be how quickly to move toward sovereignty and democracy f...
October 26, 2003
Memo to Rumsfeld
By Andrew Apostolou In his now very public private memorandum, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld asked his closest associates: "Are we winning or losing the Global War on Terror?" Per...
October 22, 2003
God Forbid
Religious intolerance is flatly un-American. So let's everybody just get off the back of Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin. Boykin, of course, is the decorated veteran of special oper...
October 22, 2003
Of, by, and for
By Ariel Beery In Congress, according to Michael Crowley of The New Republic, many Democrats are opposing the appropriations bill for Iraqi reconstruction mainly because it is being push...
October 22, 2003
Democracy Now!
The United Nations finally gave its Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval to the American effort in Iraq (with a 15-0 vote in the Security Council) and now the Bush administration is asking the &ldq...
October 22, 2003
Dangers of Wahabbism
By Oubai Shahbandar Terror proxies like the Council on American Islamic Relations are attempting to throw a veil around the truth. Radical Islamists have hurled ad hominem asper...
October 22, 2003
Syrians Still Play Footsie With Terror
By Richard Chesnoff Israel's recent air strike on a Syrian terrorist training base near Damascus deserved a better reception from Washington than it got. After all, President Bashar...
October 15, 2003
War Story
The Bush administration is mounting a major public relations offensive regarding Iraq. The problem? It doesn't go far enough. The goal of the current PR campaign is to persuade Amer...
October 15, 2003
Change needed from within
By Jeffrey Azarva Islamic Awareness Week at GW recently drew to a close, yet it remains clear that the religious intolerance of Islam persists in the post 9/11 world. Despite the week-lo...
October 10, 2003
Guantánamo Bay and the ICRC
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Briefing: Guantánamo Bay and the ICRC
October 10, 2003
U.S. Muslims as patriots
By Oubai Shahbandar Where is the outrage in the American Muslim community? Two years after 9/11, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American Muslim Council (A...
October 9, 2003
Symposium: The Muslim Persecution of Christians
By Dr. Walid Phares The widespread persecution of Christians is an increasing phenomenon in the Islamic world. Aside from its obvious tragic and horrifying ingredients, what is the signi...
October 9, 2003
All Jihad Roads Lead to Damascus
By Dr. Walid Phares Was Syria behind the attacks in Israel? To most Middle East experts, the answer is not about Syria's support for jihad against the Jewish state. That is cast in...
October 7, 2003
Nation-building has always been like the weather: Entertaining to discuss but nothing most people do anything about. Until now. President Bush has announced the formation of an Iraq Stab...
October 6, 2003
Personal Observation Where Terror’s Flags Fly
By Matthew Schonfield "My Summer Vacation." Like clockwork year after year I can remember the elementary school teachers giving this assignment, as we, their little charges, returned fro...
October 6, 2003
An Unsurprising Nuke Program
By David Silverstein Reports that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) discovered new traces of highly enriched uranium in a second facility in Iran should come as little surpri...
October 5, 2003
U.S. Actions in Iraq are Necessary
By Claire Cary When you first saw that the U.S. was actually entering Iraq, did you think the war would only last a week? Perhaps less than a week? It very well could have if defeating I...
October 2, 2003
Iran’s Emerging Nuclear Threat
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder
October 2, 2003
Fool Me Twice
By Andrew Apostolou On the face of it, Friday morning’s crop of headlines looks pretty good for Saddam Hussein. If he could read them from his current residence, likely to be a sew...
October 1, 2003
The WMD Mystery
The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The mystery is: What did he do with them? We should have some insights soon: David Kay and his Iraq Survey Gro...
September 30, 2003
Learning from Mazen’s Mistakes
Abu Mazen's resignation as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority is tragic because it will likely signal a new wave of terrorism from extremist Palestinian groups and defensive reprisa...