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September 13, 2006
Enact the President’s Code for Military Commissions
In the raging 2006 controversy over military commissions lies the pressing 2008 question: Can the nation afford a President John McCain? The universal, reciprocal chivalry that guided wa...
September 13, 2006
Books: Some Unconventional Wisdom
Ian Bremmer, The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), 320 pp., $26.00. Charles Peña, Winning the Un-War: A New Strate...
September 12, 2006
About that Mercedes
Remember Kojo Annan's Mercedes? The car that reporters kept asking about last year, finally sending Kofi Annan into a temper tantrum at a televised press conference? I'm talking of cour...
September 11, 2006
Terrorism Happens Because It Works – and We Let It
Since the 1970s, Islamist terrorists have been attacking Western interests. It took almost thirty years before many realized it. FSM Contributing Editor Peter Pham examines major attacks since 19...
September 11, 2006
Symposium: 9/11: Five Years Later
On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, Frontpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the significance of that terror attack, what we have done right and wrong since then, a...
September 8, 2006
America’s Somali Policy Still Dangerously Adrift
This column is dedicated to the premise that the strategic neglect of Africa was the weak link in the advancement of American foreign policy interests in general, and the successful prosecution o...
September 7, 2006
Walid Phares’ Testimony Before House Subcommittee
On Thursday, September 7, 2006, FDD's Walid Phares testified before the House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation. The topic was 9/11: Five Years Later - Gaugi...
September 7, 2006
Who’s Really Ignoring the Geneva Conventions?
Authored by Alykhan Velshi and Howard Anglin In a landmark speech Wednesday, President Bush announced that all captured terrorists will receive the protections of Common Article...
September 7, 2006
5 Years Later, More Needs to be Done
Most of us can remember exactly where we were nearly five years ago, on the morning of Sept. 11. I was in small-town America, where the guys in the local doughnut shop - watching the endless TV r...
September 6, 2006
Five Years Later: It’s Time to Unite and Fight
Five years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have not been slaughtered a second time on U.S. soil. That is no small achievement. It has come about not because our enemies h...
September 6, 2006
Saying What Needs To Be Said
That's the guy I voted for. President Bush's speech yesterday was simply stellar. Would that he gave it every day. He didn't back down to pressure from Muslim int...
September 6, 2006
The Tragedy of Conrad Black, Intermezzo
Authored by Alykhan Velshi The last three years have not been kind to Conrad Black: his media empire and his reputation are in a shambles, his various properties are being aucti...
September 5, 2006
Countdown to Genocide
The final countdown for Darfur looms. Back in April, in a widely commented piece on TCS, we warned both that the impending Darfur crisis was...
August 31, 2006
Iran’s Congo Connection
On July 31, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1696, which invoked Chapter VII of the world body's charter to demand that Iran to suspend all activities related to its pur...
August 31, 2006
Excess Baggage
Despite today's United Nations deadline for Iran to give up its nuclear bomb program, Iran has done no such thing. The next diplomatic move is supposed to be for the U.N. to impose sanctions...
August 30, 2006
Jihadist Games in Gaza
The release in Gaza of Fox News journalist Steve Centanni and camera man Olaf Wiig, kidnapped Aug. 14 by a group calling itself Holy Jihad Brigade, raises a number of salient issues: "We were for...
August 29, 2006
Iraqi Lessons
We are where we are in Iraq, and it's not a comfortable place. We are where we are in Iraq because mistakes were made both in planning and executing the war there. If we could do it all over...
August 29, 2006
Helping to Return Joe Lieberman to the Senate
What a sad spectacle these last few days, as Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and John Kerry, D-Mass., and even former Vice President Al Gore have been falling all over themselves in condemning the...
August 29, 2006
Europe’s Munich Moment
In March 2003, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the current French Prime minister, Dominique de Villepin -- then his country's foreign minister -- condemned the Coalition of the Willin...
August 27, 2006
Crowning of Nasrallah? – Annan’s Diplomacy Harms the Cause of Peace
BRACE YOURSELF. In the United Nations-brokered farce known as the "cessation of hostilities in Lebanon," we may now be heading for the moment in which Secretary General Kofi Annan jets to Beirut...
August 25, 2006
Call the Enemy by the Name it Calls Itself
The organized campaign against the use by government of the term "Islamic fascists" is an indication that the War of Ideas is raging in the center of the War on Terror. In this clash of words and...
August 19, 2006
Turtle Bay Does Beirut
Brace yourself. In the United Nations-brokered farce known as the “cessation of hostilities in Lebanon,” we may now be heading for the moment in which Secretary-General Kofi Annan jet...
August 17, 2006
Word Choice: Are We at War With “Islamic Fascism”?
Mohamed Eljahmi Bush's use of the term “Islamic fascist” is both sincere and correct. However, the scope of his definition is of limited utility. The problems of the curre...
August 17, 2006
Niger Delta Blues
Last week's announcement by British Petroleum (BP) that it might have to shut down its 400,000 barrels-per-day Prudhoe Bay oil field – after an inspection turned up severe corrosion an...
August 17, 2006
Blinded by Hate, Israel’s Enemies Will Never Relent
I've been reporting on the Arab-Israeli conflict for more than 42 years and I've just come to a horrifying but unavoidable conclusion: Nothing has changed - and probably nothing can cha...
August 15, 2006
Terrorists Win — What Next?
The Second Battle of the Litani (following our Civil War practice of naming engagements after the strategically significant waterways along which they are fought) is over. With a ceasefire called...
August 15, 2006
Israel and Azerbaijan’s Furtive Embrace
Authored by Ilya Bourtman The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 changed the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East. Within weeks, six predominantly Muslim countries...
August 14, 2006
Who Wins?
In the wake of Friday night's vote on a ceasefire resolution at the United Nations on the crisis in the Middle East, are there any winners in the thirty-some days' war? National Review...
August 12, 2006
If Turtle Bay Had a Moral Compass…
It's happy hour at the United Nations. After four weeks of Hezbollah-provoked war in Israel and Lebanon, accompanied by much diplomatic hand-wringing, the U.N. Security Council met Friday ev...
August 11, 2006
The Only Option Is to Win
Yesterday on this page, in a serious and thoughtful survey of a world in crisis, Richard Holbrooke listed 13 countries that could be involved in violence in the near future: Lebanon, Israel, Iraq...
August 11, 2006
Reform the Only Hope for the Middle East
Despite virtual around-the-clock coverage of the war between Israel and Hezbollah, one important aspect remains poorly understood: the reaction of the 300 million strong "Arab Street." Turn on an...
August 11, 2006
Connecticut? This is London Calling
We are reading only about 24 arrests today. If we were already in the heralded antiwar world of Ned Lamont and the war-against-the-war crowd, it could be much different. We could just as easily b...
August 11, 2006
Smarter Commercial Aviation Security
The United States and one of its most faithful allies in the war on terrorism, the United Kingdom, have providentially averted a terrorist plot of frightening magnitude that, had it succeeded, wo...
August 10, 2006
The Honest Broker
When it is finally written — probably in Arabic — the history of the war on terror will convey one over-arching lesson: One side fought with conviction; the other developed a convicti...
August 10, 2006
Hezbollah’s African Network
Despite the valiant efforts of the men and women of the Israeli Defense Forces to degrade the lethal capacity of Hezbollah terrorist organization&...
August 9, 2006
The August Purge of Joe Lieberman
Until this week, Senator Joseph Lieberman was the most prominent representative of the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party. Now, that wing is down to its last few feathers. On Tue...
August 8, 2006
Terrorism? What’s That?
Among the many reasons to beware the United Nations as a vehicle for peace in Israel, Lebanon, or any other part of the globe now threatened by Islamic terrorists, there is one item so obvious th...
August 7, 2006
Hate to Say We Told You So, But…
While events make it seem like an age ago, it was in fact exactly one month ago that TCS published a column whose prescience and eerie timing surprised even to us, its authors....
August 4, 2006
No Justice, No Peace?
"No peace without justice" has become more than a pious mantra in contemporary international relations. Since the end of the Cold War, the establishment of mechanisms for legal accountability has...
August 4, 2006
A War Crime at Qana?
The Qana tragedy has intensified accusations that Israel's actions in Lebanon violate international law. Every death of an innocent person is extremely regrettable; but there is no evidence...
August 3, 2006
Forgotten Interests: Why Cote d’Ivoire Matters
Last week I participated on a panel on Capitol Hill under the aegis of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Côte d'Ivoire, co-chaired by Congressman John Boozman (R-Arkansas) and Co...
August 2, 2006
Tehran & Damascus Move to Lebanon
Lebanon-born Walid Phares is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Author of the recent book Future Jihad, he was also one of the architects of 2004's United Nati...
August 2, 2006
Hezbollah’s Psych-Ops
Hezbollah and its foreign sponsors deserve credit: They understand the perverse psychology of the Middle East. They knew they could launch a war against Israel and then have Israel get the blame...
August 1, 2006
Stephen Breyer, the Court’s Necromancer
Authored by Alykhan Velshi Originalism is the house judicial philosophy of conservatism. It maintains that the Constitution has a fixed and knowable meaning, that this meaning i...
July 31, 2006
The Limits Of Lebanon’s “Democracy”
In his weekly radio address on Saturday, President George W. Bush thrice described Lebanon's government as “democratic” and pledged that “we will stand with the democratic...
July 29, 2006
Rolling Smear
Co-Authored with Mark R. Levin In a screed Rolling Stone is passing off as journalism, James Bamford becomes the latest in a growing crowd of hacks to smear our friend Michael L...
July 28, 2006
Symposium: Proving Saddam’s WMDs
Despite the antiwar Left's favorite mantra about how Bush lied regarding WMDs in Iraq, the evidence now proves there were WMDs after all. According to recent announcement made by Se...
July 27, 2006
Al Qaeda Moves to Africa
While events in the Middle East understandably preoccupy American policymakers at the moment, we cannot afford to forget that Israel's war of self-defense against the terrorist Hamas and Hez...
July 26, 2006
Who’s Dissin’ Whom
As Israel fights to defend itself against the Iranian-and-Syrian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah, are we really seeing a reckless, damaging and — yes — disproportionate response?...
July 26, 2006
War? What War?
The Bush administration's reluctance to identify the enemy in the “war on terror” — to deal with the Islamic in Islamic milita...