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December 4, 2006
Franchising Jihad
In a forthcoming study for the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, senior researcher Ely Karmon raises the alarming prospect of Hezbollah affili...
December 1, 2006
Cambio Means Freedom in Cuba
In the town of Madrugas on the outskirts of Havana, something extraordinary happened in the early evening of November 2. Several dozen agents of the Cuban state security tried to arrest dissident...
December 1, 2006
The Originalist Error
Authored by Alykhan Velshi "There is no such thing as man in the world. During my life, I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, etc.; I know, too, thanks to Montesqu...
November 30, 2006
Islamism Comes to the Niger Delta
Last month, I discussed in this column the immense importance of the Nigerian elections scheduled for April 21, 2007, concluding: "If President Obasanjo manages to hand ov...
November 29, 2006
Can We Talk?
This is a war of will. If we lose it, the historians will marvel at how mulishly we resisted understanding the one thing we needed to understand in order to win. The enemy. In Iraq, we&r...
November 28, 2006
Denles algún tema de conversación
La controversia sobre si Estados Unidos debería hablar con Irán y Siria sugiere la pregunta: ¿Qué diríamos? Más específicamente, ¿qué...
November 28, 2006
Give Them Something to Talk About
The controversy over whether the U.S. should talk with Iran and Syria begs the question: What would we say? More specifically, what are we willing to offer in exchange for cooperation -- and what...
November 28, 2006
Plunder Down Under
At United Nations headquarters, Secretary General Kofi Annan likes to imply that the Oil-for-Food era is over (“If there was a scandal” was his locution earlier this year). But Down U...
November 27, 2006
The UN’s Jew-Obsession
Every single day, hundreds of African tribesmen are killed in Darfur by militias acting with the blessing of Sudan's Arab Islamist government. Eac...
November 26, 2006
Education Versus Jihad
In the few hours following the terrorist attacks on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, media in the United States began looking for answers. The very first series of questions asked by all was indica...
November 24, 2006
Crushing a Flower of the Cedar Revolution
The assassination of Lebanese Christian politician Pierre Gemayel this Tuesday has revealed that the Tehran-Damascus axis remains busy with terror activities across the Fertile Crescent....
November 22, 2006
Iraq Options
Iraq is a mess. We have come to that conclusion because virtually every day we see innocent Iraqis slaughtered by suicide-bombers. Of all the possible responses, the most perverse may be this: To...
November 22, 2006
Opciones en Irak
Irak es un lío. Hemos llegado a esa conclusión porque prácticamente todos los días vemos a iraquíes inocentes asesinados por terroristas suicidas. De todas las...
November 22, 2006
Al Qaeda Wants an ‘American Madrid’
The latest audio by al Qaeda's Iraq commander -- posted 48 hours after the midterm elections -- sends a clear signal to the readers of the jihadi strategic mind: Al Qaeda and its advisers ar...
November 22, 2006
The Assassination of Pierre Gemayel
After his son was shot pointblank Tuesday in Beirut, former Lebanese President Amin Gemayel called on his countrymen “to contemplate the meaning of this martyrdom and how to protect this co...
November 22, 2006
The Somali Radicals Must Be Destroyed!
Convinced that the peace of the Mediterranean world and security of the Roman Senate and People depended on the final elimination of the threat posed by Carthage – which many of his contemp...
November 21, 2006
Response to the Terrorist Assassination of Pierre Gemayel
The assassination of Minister Pierre Gemayel in Beirut is another war crime against the democratically elected Government and Parliament of Lebanon, and another strike in the Terror War waged by...
November 16, 2006
A U.S. Security Agenda in Africa: Part II
Since its inception, this column has been dedicated to the proposition that that Sub-Saharan Africa which, even in the best of times, has historically been treated as something of a stepchild by...
November 15, 2006
Where to Stand and Fight
Earlier this week, in a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, President Bush threatened Iran with "isolation" if it continues plowing forward in its nuclear program. Thi...
November 15, 2006
The Courtier to Annan
Not so long ago, Kofi Annan was up to his ears in the Oil for Food scandal, and his legacy as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations was on its way down the drain. He was ducking que...
November 13, 2006
Maqdisi’s Minions
Authored by Dan Wilson On November 13, 1995, two explosions ripped through an American-run training center in the heart of Riyadh, killing five American military advisors and wo...
November 9, 2006
Speaker Pelosi’s Impending Intelligence Failure
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is in line to make history as the first female Speaker — and second in line of succession for the presidency — when the new Congress convenes in January....
November 9, 2006
The Fall Guy
With democracy’s seductive melody lilting in the background, the Bush administration and its petulant partner, the new Iraqi regime of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, have waltzed into chao...
November 9, 2006
Two Views on Rumsfeld
When the nation went to war in Iraq in 2003 (with overwhelming popular support) and for a long time after that, Rumsfeld had rock-star status. With Abu Ghraib and his management of this millstone...
November 9, 2006
A U.S. Security Agenda in Africa — Part I
One of the frustrations that foreign nations and individuals have with the United States is Americans' biennial self-absorption in electoral campaigns during which pressing international con...
November 9, 2006
Symposium: The D.O.D. After Rumsfeld
When the nation went to war in Iraq in 2003 (with overwhelming popular support) and for a long time after that, Rumsfeld had rock-star status. With Abu Ghraib and his management of this millstone...
November 8, 2006
Las elecciones en Estados Unidos
Los demócratas dijeron: “¿Hartos?”...
November 8, 2006
The Rainy Season’s Over; Killing Can Commence
The rainy season has just ended in northwestern Sudan—now killing can recommence in earnest. Two months ago, we warned that inaction in Darfur was tantamount to a "countdown to genocide" wi...
November 7, 2006
Post-Election Thoughts
What happened on Election Day? It boils down to this: The Democrats said: “Had enough?” The Republicans said: “It could be worse!”...
November 6, 2006
It’s National Security, Stupid
There is no doubt that a wide variety of issues factor into the dynamics of this year's midterm elections. While the war in Iraq looms large, nationwide voters will decide dir...
November 5, 2006
Symposium: Saddam Hussein’s Verdict
Clifford D. May Upon being sentenced to death, Saddam Hussein played to both his key constituencies. Militant Islamists heard him shout: “Allahu Akbar!" (&ld...
November 3, 2006
Reflections of an Attorney General
The United States Department of Justice is like a battleship of enormous size and storied traditions, patrolling familiar seas under time-honored rules of engagement. Modern Islamic radicalism, a...
November 2, 2006
The Coming Chaos in Guinea
Getting the outside world to focus on the current terrorist and other security challenges in Africa is a difficult enough task (see last week's discussion of the ongoing Somali crisis). Dire...
November 1, 2006
If Democrats Win
According to polls and pundits, voters will soon turn the keys to the House and possibly the Senate over to the Democrats. Less easy to forecast: what that will mean for foreign policy in general...
November 1, 2006
Si los demócratas ganan: Cómo podría cambiar la política exterior
Según las encuestas y los expertos, los votantes entregarán las llaves de la Cámara de Representantes y posiblemente del Senado a los demócratas muy pronto. Menos f&aa...
November 1, 2006
Traitors Will be Prosecuted
Authored by Alykhan Velshi Just as a muscle will atrophy if unused, criminal prohibitions may lapse into desuetude when no one enforces them. Fortunately, and to its everlasting...
November 1, 2006
Future Terrorism: Mutant Jihads
The strategic decision to carry out 9/11 was made in the early 1990s, almost ten years before the barbaric attacks on New York and Washington took place. The decade-long preparations and the test...
October 31, 2006
Divided They Stand: The Syrian Opposition
His son and successor, Bashar, has failed to manage these divisions. Unfavorable international conditions, colossal foreign policy failures, and a precarious economy have left the regime wi...
October 31, 2006
Syrian-Saudi Media Wars
The recent conflict between Israel and Hezbollah produced a dramatic resurgence of Saudi-Syrian tensions, which have been boiling beneath the surface since the assassination of former Lebanese Pr...
October 30, 2006
Symposium: What Happens If the Democrats Win
During the Cold War, Democrats were regarded as weak on national security. From Lyndon Johnson's departure from the White House in 1969 to Bill Clinton's post-Cold War return there in 1...
October 30, 2006
Right on Target
On October 23, after ten more Qassam missiles were fired from northern Gaza into Israel in forty-eight hours, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) troops entered the area in search of the launchers and t...
October 26, 2006
Update: Islamist Radicals Still on the March in Somalia
While recent crises in other parts of the world have pushed them even farther from the headlines, the Islamist radicals who took control of the sometime Somali capital of Mogadishu in early June...
October 25, 2006
An Unveiling
Muslim women veiling has become the subject of intense controversy in Britain in recent days, with Prime Minister Tony Blair calling the veil a “mark of separation.” National Revi...
October 25, 2006
Hamas’ Must-See TV
Hamas may not have funds to pay the salaries of civil servants and improve social services for Palestinians. But resources to fund its propaganda efforts? That, evidently, is not a problem. This...
October 24, 2006
No se pierda la tele de Hamás
Puede que Hamás no tenga dinero para pagar el sueldo a sus funcionarios y para mejorar los servicios sociales de los palestinos. Pero ¿fondos para pagar sus esfuerzos propagand&iacu...
October 24, 2006
Is Iraq a Worthy Cause?
Even conservatives are now starting to become almost irretrievably saturnine in their pessimism on Iraq. On National Review Online last week, Jonah Goldberg wrote that “the Iraq war was a m...
October 23, 2006
The Caliph-Strophic Debate
It seems that the US is having a hard time winning the hearts and minds of Arabs and Muslims, but an equally serious problem can be observed in the intellectual circles of America where some have...
October 23, 2006
American “Stupidity” and “Arrogance” in Iraq
Isn't this just wonderful? The State Department's top spokesman on the Middle East, Alberto Fernandez, has pronounced that American “arrogance” and “stupidity” i...
October 20, 2006
The Blind Sheik’s Mistress
Legal ethics rules in all fifty states absolutely prevent lawyers from assisting their clients in the commission of criminal acts. Confidentiality and lawyer-client privilege rules have, everywhe...
October 20, 2006
Pragmatism Trumps Suicide
Judge Richard A. Posner, of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago, is one of America's most prolific intellectuals and legal philosophers. Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, his power...