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July 23, 2008
Beyond Complacency: The anti-anti-terrorists push for unilateral disarmament
It’s often said that the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were a “wake-up call’ – that they forced both the political class and the public to seriously (if belatedly) address a p...
July 23, 2008
Suspend the Writ
For the protection of our troops on the battlefield and the security of all Americans, Congress needs, right now, to take action to reverse Boumediene v....
July 22, 2008
Peace negotiations begin with Taliban in Hangu
Orakzai goes red. Red agencies/ districts are controlled by the Taliban; purple districts areunder de facto Taliban control; yellow regions are under Taliban influence. Just...
July 22, 2008
Re: Obama’s Iraq Politics
To add to Seth's excellent point, does Obama think the Sunni Awakening and the Shia militia stand-down are somehow separate developments from the surge and the brilliant performance of Ameri...
July 22, 2008
No Welch For You
Pace Jay Solomon's Syrian sources (Imad Mustapha), my own sources tell me that Assistant...
July 22, 2008
The Negotiation Gambit
Henry Kissinger once remarked that if an intellectual gets it wrong, all he has to do is write another book, while if a policy maker gets it wrong, people may die. To which I would add that...
July 21, 2008
Iraqi, US forces keep pressure on the Mahdi Army
Iraqi and US troops continue to press the offensive against the Iranian-backed Mahdi Army during a series of raids throughout Iraq. Since July 18, US and Iraqi forces have killed six Mahdi Army f...
July 21, 2008
Re: Another 58 States Thing: The Decade Presidents
Victor, the truly scary thing about what the Messiah said is that he no doubt figures it's Maliki and Karzai who will be out of power within ten years, not him (Him?)....
July 21, 2008
Hezbollah Brigades propaganda specialist captured in Baghdad
Hezbollah Brigades' logo is nearly identical to that of Lebanese Hezbollah. Coalition special forces teams, likely the terrorist hunter-killer teams of Task Force 88, have...
July 21, 2008
Re: Maliki’s “Inartful” Statement
If the New York Times account is to be credited, McCain should...
July 21, 2008
Kidding Around With the Mullahs
Condi Rice has just accused Iran of being “not serious” in negotiations meant to halt its uranium enrichment program. She’s got to be kidding. It’s the endless ch...
July 21, 2008
Obscenity Incarnate
The Syrian regime's favorite American flack, the hackademic in Oklahoma, has managed to outdo himself today by claiming that the Lebanese "welcomed Hizbullah's move" in May....
July 21, 2008
The US and the LAF
David Schenker does us all a favor by dissecting and correcting a remarkably awful and factually erroneous op...
July 21, 2008
Somalia Faces Humanitarian Crisis
Somalia has faced a humanitarian crisis for much of the year, but now it appears to be growing noticeably worse. A confluence of factors'”including disease outbreaks, a growing famine,...
July 20, 2008
Mosul’s IED hunter wounded in attack
July 19, 2008
Pakistan signs peace accord in Orakzai tribal agency
The Pakistani government has negotiated yet another peace agreement with the Taliban in the tribal agencies bordering Afghanistan. The latest a...
July 19, 2008
Quntar: Hezbollah’s Version of Wiam Wahhab
Over at MESH, Michael Young explains the Druze politics, and Hezbollah's attempts to penetrate them, th...
July 18, 2008
Hamdan: I’m Happy to Report I Was Wrong
Salim Hamdan’s military commission trial will proceed, perhaps as early as Monday. The New York Times...
July 18, 2008
Re: Ugly, Vicious Proud-of-My-Country Attack Ads
I just want to make sure I have this straight, Byron. A group makes an ad which (a) accurately and truthfully reports what an Obama surrogate -- who just happens to be his wife and closest advise...
July 18, 2008
Meanwhile, at Scandals-R-the-UN
One way to bury a scandal is to hold a confidential investigation, ignore the findings and pension off the alleged culprit. The United Nations, helped along by diplo...
July 18, 2008
Obama on Boumediene & Nuremburg
I have an article on the home page today discussing the rulings by civilian and military judges yes...
July 18, 2008
The Spreading destruction of the Sa’ada War in Yemen
The boundaries of the war in Yemen war are expanding beyond the northern Sa'ada governorate. For the first time, bombing is audible from Sana'a, the nation's capital. Recent battle...
July 18, 2008
Do We Really Need a State Department — and Does Anyone in It Own a Copy of the Constitution?
I thought I had seen it all a while back when we caught the federal Transportation Security Adminis...
July 18, 2008
ISAF rejects claims civilians killed in strike that killed two Taliban commanders
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) denied yesterday's operation in western Afghanistan resulted in civilian deaths. The operation led to the killing of two Taliban leaders an...
July 18, 2008
The Hamdan Commission Will Go Forward
The Hamdan majority strongly suggested that the military commissions could become regularly constituted courts if they were approved by Congress rather than unilaterally...
July 17, 2008
Swapped for Live Terrorists, Two Israeli Soldiers Confirmed Dead
The New York Times reports on the burial of the two Israeli soldiers whose remains were exchanged by Hezbollah in return for the release of five terrorists, very much alive. The terrorists...
July 17, 2008
Terrible Afghanistan Story: US Forces Withdraw From Post After Fierce Fighting
From the AP in yesterday’s Times of London:...
July 17, 2008
Who Obama Should See in Iraq
Barack Obama is headed to Baghdad, probably within days. It’s a shame he chose to pre-empt the visit with a big speech and an op-ed on the subject. He just might learn a thing or two while...
July 17, 2008
Hamdan Ruling: A Win for the Administration … But Maybe Very Temporary
The AP reports that a military court has rejected an attempt by Salim Hamdan, a former driver and bodyguard of Osama bin Laden, to block his war-crimes trial by military commission. That...
July 17, 2008
Pakistani Army launches operation in Hangu; Taliban issue ultimatum
The Pakistani Army has launched a military operation against the Taliban in the settled district of Hangu in the Northwest Frontier Province. The military took over security in Hangu fro...
July 17, 2008
Decapitation campaign: tracking the liquidation of Afghan insurgent commanders
Recent insurgent activity, including several spectacular al Qaeda styled terrorist attacks, has thrust Afghanistan into a quandary unseen since the US-led Coalition invaded the country seven year...
July 17, 2008
Obama and the New Yorker Botch
James Taranto, at the WSJ’s Best of the Web yesterday, notes another Obama whopper, repeated as if it were fact (i.e., without correction or critique) by the New Yorker cover story: S...
July 17, 2008
Re: Anglican Crack-Up
It's dangerous for a religious leader to say, ''I have the way and I have the truth and I know how to interpret holy scripture'? I'd always thought that was sort of the p...
July 17, 2008
Scandal Central
The United Nations likes to sell itself as a mentor of good governance. But the recent deep-sixing of a damning in-house report suggests it might more honestly advertise itself as an example of h...
July 17, 2008
La edad de la desinformación
A ver, ¿de qué va exactamente el asunto? ¿Cómo es que cultivar caña de azúcar en el Brasil o maíz en Iowa sube el...
July 16, 2008
UN Fauxcilitation of the Israel-Hezbollah Swap
As if today’s swap of the bodies of kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldiers for live Lebanese terrorists were not sickening enough, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon...
July 16, 2008
The New Reality in Iraq
All of the most important objectives of the surge have been accomplished in Iraq. The sectarian civil war is ended; al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) has been dealt a devastating blow; and the Sadrist milit...
July 16, 2008
Iraqi Army attempts to halt voter registration attacks as Iraq prepares for fall election
When Iraqi Army Brigadier General Noor Aldeen visited his old secondary school in northern Mosul this week, he had little time to reminisce about placing first in spelling and arithmetic. His for...
July 16, 2008
US returns fire on Taliban inside Pakistan
The situation on Afghan-Pakistani border has heated up as US forces attacked a Taliban position inside Pakistan. Meanwhile, reports from North Waziristan indicate US forces are massing across the...
July 16, 2008
Re: Schumer Inadvertently Makes the Case
K-Lo, Schumer would respond that the Saudis could pump more oil right now while ANWR would not yield a drop at the pump for a decade. As we know, Democrat theology holds that we should do nothing...
July 16, 2008
Re: Schumer & Oil
Excellent point, Andrew -- though I hasten to add that I was predicting what Sen. Schumer would say in response, not subscribing to it. It's also worth pointing out that William Tucker has a...
July 16, 2008
Three Taliban commanders killed in Kandahar
Coalition and Afghan forces killed three Taliban commanders in the restive southern province of Kandahar over the past week. But while the military has shown prowess at knocking off extremist lea...
July 16, 2008
Iraq Statistics Reference
For updated information on trends of insurgent organization and activity, cache discoveries, casualty rates and trends of violence, including graphs and charts released by MNF-I and MNC-I, access...
July 16, 2008
The Disinformation Age: OPEC lies, the SUV dies
The folks over at OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, must think we’re pretty stupid. The other day, Chakib Khelil, the current OPEC president, asserted that "the intru...
July 15, 2008
Poll Finds Voters Split on Candidates’ Iraq-Pullout Positions
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds the country split down the middle between those backing Sen. Barack Obama's 16-month timeline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and those agre...
July 15, 2008
Suicide bomber killed dozens of Iraqi Army recruits as a new Diyala offensive looms
Al Qaeda in Iraq conducted a successful dual suicide attack on an Army recruiting center in Baqubah as the Iraqi military is preparing to launch a new offensive in Diyala province. Two s...
July 15, 2008
Pakistani Taliban destroy paramilitary fort in Hangu
The Taliban continue to rampage in the settled district of Hangu in Pakistan' s Northwest Frontier Province. In the latest assault, a Taliban force overran a Frontier Constabulary fort, loot...
July 15, 2008
Bravo Attorney General Mukasey
House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) is demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate CIA interrogation practices. Attorney General Michael Mukasey has refused. As is h...
July 15, 2008
On Combatant Detainee al-Marri, the Fourth Circuit Splits the Baby
About a year ago, I wrote here on NRO about a divided (2-1) panel of the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals which ruled that Ali Saleh Kalah al-Marri, an alleged terrorist operative from Qatar...
July 15, 2008
New Intelligence