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August 20, 2008
Algeria suffers second straight day of bombings
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb struck inside Algeria for the second day straight. Eleven Algerians were killed and 31 were wounded in two bomb attacks in the town of Bouira,...
August 20, 2008
It is Getting Darker All the Time
We’re on our way to Spain for a few days, hoping that the spaniards have figured out a way to stop planes from crashing in Madrid and Malaga. But I didn’t want to leave before m...
August 20, 2008
Al Qaeda safe house targeted in South Waziristan strike
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the tribal areas. Map from PBS' Frontline. Click to view. An attack on an al Qaeda safe house in Pakistan's lawless tribal agency of South...
August 19, 2008
Russia, Georgia, the UN ‘ and Where is Kofi Annan When He’ s Really Needed?
As Russian troops loot, shoot and roll short-range missiles into Georgia, surely UN tradition calls for the Secretary-General to protest this invasion of sovereign territory...
August 19, 2008
Taliban kill ten French troops in Kabul province ambush
A French convoy moves in Kabul province just hours after the attack in Surobi. Photo by Amy Sun / FRI. Ten French soldiers were killed and 21 were wounded in a...
August 19, 2008
Al Qaeda suicide attack hits police center in Algeria
An al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb suicide car bomber killed 43 Algerians and wounded more than 45 in an attack on a police acad...
August 19, 2008
Taliban suicide bomber strike at Pakistani hospital, kills 29
Just one day after Pervez Musharraf's resignation from the office of the president of Pakistan, the Taliban conducted a deadly strike in the settled district of Dera Ishmael Khan. A Taliban...
August 18, 2008
City Journal reviews Willful Blindness
Jacob Laksin of FPM has penned City Journal's review of my book. I am very grateful....
August 18, 2008
Making Deals with Terrorists
Over the weekend, my old friend Francesco Cossiga–former prime minister, interior minister, and president of Italy–published a bit of autobiography in the country’s leading news...
August 18, 2008
Pakistan’s President Musharraf resigns office
Former President and General Pervez Musharraf. President Pervez Musharraf, the longtime military leader of Pakistan and erstwhile ally of the US in the war against Islamic extremists,...
August 16, 2008
More on Reparations for Libya
I've gotten some email which argues that the money our government has arranged to be paid to Libya is not actually United States government money. I say hogwash -- what difference does...
August 16, 2008
The Bush Administration Agrees to Pay Libya Reparations for Air Strike Ordered by President Reagan
Yes, you read that correctly. Blood boiling yet? This is from the WND report after the State Department acknowledged the settlement on an August Friday: Despi...
August 16, 2008
Report from Northern Lebanon
Hanin Ghaddar filed an interesting report the other day on the situation in the north that confirms the conclusions covere...
August 16, 2008
Fighting in Uruzgan kills Taliban commander
View full article...
August 15, 2008
Iran continues to train Shia terror groups for attacks in Iraq
A US military map of Iran's operations inside southern Iraq. The map is from 2007, and formed the basis of The Ramazan Corps and the ratlines into Iraq. Click to view full size. Iran...
August 15, 2008
Russia — Our “Strategic Partner” on Nukes … and Iran
Secretary of State Rice is in Tblisi finalizing a French-brokered ceasefire agreement that lays the groundwork for legitimizing the Russian annexation of Georgia’s two breakaway territories...
August 15, 2008
John Bolton Rips US/Europe Response to Russian Aggression in Georgia
This is some scalding stuff, in the UK's Telegraph. Right out of the box:This is some scalding stuff, in the UK's Telegraph. Right out of the box: Russia'...
August 14, 2008
Diyala governor survives potential coup d’etat suicide bomber
Diyala Governor Ra' ad Rashid al Tamini. Photo by Bill Murray. BAQUBAH, IRAQ: Governor Ra' ad Rashid al Tamini didn' t seem in an overly jovial mood on Wednesday,...
August 14, 2008
War and Democracy
For many centuries, it was taken for granted that no modern country could move from dictatorship to democracy without considerable violence. The first wave of democratic revolution–the last...
August 14, 2008
Jihad for Oil
OIL DEPENDENCE IS America's Achilles' heel in the battle against terrorism--a fact that has not escaped the terrorists. Osama bin Laden and others have declared the oil supply a top target, and subsequent plots demonstrate that the desire to disrupt world energy markets is more than mere rhetoric. This significant weakness should factor heavily in current political debates about alternatives to oil.
August 13, 2008
Modern Hollywood’s War Heroes
Not exactly The Guns of Navarone: The Guardian reports: George Clooney, already one of Hollywood’s leading liberal voices, has embarked on what may be o...
August 13, 2008
The President’s Statement on Georgia
From about an hour ago, in the Rose Garden: THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I’ve just met with my national security team to discuss the crisis in Georgi...
August 13, 2008
Memo to David Freddoso
David, you need to get the Times to try to kill your excellent Obama book (The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate ). As Roge...
August 13, 2008
Re: Executions & Consuls
Derb, your correspondents make some great points. FWIW, I weighed in on the late and unlamented Medellin about a year ago in Human Events, when, in a 6-3 Supreme Court ruling, Chief Justice Rober...
August 13, 2008
Assad’s Trap in Tripoli
To follow up on my previous post, read Michael Young's entire...
August 13, 2008
Cross-border strike targets one of the Taliban’s 157 training camps in Pakistan’s northwest
Hangu is the latest district to fall under Taliban control. The government signed peace agreements in the red agencies/ districts; purple districts are under de facto Taliban control;...
August 13, 2008
Assad’s Reminder
NOW's editorial this morning on the terrorist bombing in Tripoli is worth quoting at length:...
August 13, 2008
Suicide attack kills 9 in Lahore
Aftermath of the suicide attack in Lahore. AFP photo. The Taliban have restarted its terror campaign in Pakistan's cities. A suicide bomber struck in Lahore,...
August 12, 2008
Re: The Kosovo Excuse
I agree with Andrew. It doesn’t justify — not even close — the Russian aggression, and I have no doubt that Putin would have found some other pretext … or just star...
August 12, 2008
Re: Republicans for Obama
'Obama has a strong record of bringing people together from the left and the right to solve problems, leading with superior judgment on foreign policy issues, and demonstrating fiscal respon...
August 12, 2008
Re: UN Security Council
Jonah, I think the Kennedy administration, as part of a much broader strategy that included a blockade and the threat of a pre-emptive attack, sought a Security Council resolution during the Cuba...
August 12, 2008
Al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan rumored killed in Pakistan
Mustafa Abu Yazid on As Sahab, al Qaeda's propaganda arm. . Unconfirmed reports from Pakistan indicate that Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda's commander in Afghanistan,...
August 12, 2008
Coalition forces capture Hezbollah Brigades nine operatives in Baghdad
Hezbollah Brigades' logo is nearly identical to that of Lebanese Hezbollah. Coalition forces, likely the special operations hunter-killer teams of Task Force 88, have captured...
August 12, 2008
Bombing on Pakistani Air Force bus kills 13 in Peshawar
The Taliban have taken credit for a deadly bus bombing on a Pakistani Air Force bus in Peshawar. Thirteen Pakistanis, including ten security offici...
August 12, 2008
Coalition forces capture 9 Hezbollah Brigades operatives in Baghdad
Coalition forces, likely the special operations hunter-killer teams of Task Force 88, have captured nine Hezbollah Brigades operatives during three raids in the Adhamiyah district in Baghdad over...
August 12, 2008
High Noon in Georgia ‘ With No Sheriff
Russia’s rulers have made their point: The Russian military can shoot and bomb its way into the sovereign territory of a neighboring state, and the world will… talk. In the...
August 11, 2008
Russia — Bedrock of What Passes for Our Iran Policy
I wonder what the State Department will say the Soviet rebirth means for its preposterous diplomatic strategy to look like it’s doing something to prevent Iran from building nukes....
August 11, 2008
Russia’s Invasion of Georgia: Another Intelligence Debacle?
As observed in today’s NRO editorial, the Russian response, upon successfully baiting Georgia, was “massive” and “quite manifestly ready to go.” How could t...
August 11, 2008
Re: Obama, Democrats, Abortion, and the Relentless Kmiec
Jack, if Prof. Kmiec [ACM -- my apology] if Obama actually believed that 'Roe is not an endorsement of abortion,' that would indeed make Obama a 'different type of candidate'...
August 11, 2008
The End of Nuclear Diplomacy
On July 30, Ali Khamenei demolished what was left of George W. Bush's Iran policy. Iran's clerical overlord also put paid to Senator Barack Obama's dreams of tête-à-t&...
August 10, 2008
Taliban “shadow” governor for Uruzgan province arrested
Australian special forces conducted a preplanned raid against a top Taliban commander and his network in central Uruzgan province last week. Mullah Bari Ghul, the Taliban' s shadow governor...
August 10, 2008
Russia’s Message
Over the weekend, I was contacted by some good folks who support Georgia, the small country now under attack by Russia. I was asked if I had any ideas on how the Georgians might “mobilize E...
August 10, 2008
Pakistani troops retreat Taliban onslaught in Bajaur
Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps retreated from the Loisam region in the Bajaur tribal after heavy fighting with the Taliban over the past four days. Scores of Pakistani paramilitary t...
August 10, 2008
Terrorists Here, Terrorists There, Terrorists Everywhere
But for heaven’s sake, don’t call them terrorists, don’t send our armies against them (although special forces are ok), and don’t even think about declaring “war&rdq...
August 9, 2008
Fighting escalates in Pakistan’s Bajaur tribal agency
The Pakistani military claimed 70 Taliban fighters were killed and 60 were wounded during the lat...
August 8, 2008
More on Hamdan’s Disgraceful Sentence
This is actually much worse than I thought, and I apologize to readers for an error on my part, about which I’ll have more to say in an article tomorrow. Basically, I misunderstood...
August 8, 2008
Former Guantanamo detainee tied to Hamdan and al Qaeda
This article was originally published at The Daily Standard under the title Almost Famous....
August 7, 2008
Pakistani forces clash with Taliban in Bajaur
The Pakistani military and the Taliban battled in the northern tribal agency of Bajaur after security forces launched an attack. More than 25 extremists were...
August 7, 2008
Hamdan’s Disgraceful Sentence
I have been a defender of the military commission system (though, as I’ve also argued, we can and should do better, namely a national security court). But as we’ve seen before,...
August 7, 2008
Memo to the New York Times: Why You’re Hemorrhaging Subscibers
... because the editors are embarrassing even to other liberals. Note in the mail box from a NYC lawyer friend regarding my earlier post about the Times' Hamdan editorial: I gotta say -- whi...