October 21, 2016 | Quoted by the Tower
Fatah-Affiliated Terrorists Training in Gaza for War with Israel
Terrorist belonging to Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, are training in Gaza in preparation for a war with Israel, veteran Palestinian affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh reported Wednesday.
A division of Fatah’s militia, the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, recently announced the opening a new terror-training academy in Gaza, in which nearly 300 of its members are enrolled and learning different types of warfare, Abu Toameh reported. The United States, European Union, Israel, Canada, and Japan all have officially designated the Brigade to be a terrorist organization.
In September, Jonathan Schanzer, vice president for research of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, observed that the international community needed to start paying more attention to the failure of Palestinian governance, arguing in Newsweek that before peace between Israel and the Palestinians can be acheived, “what’s needed first is a plan to tackle the Palestinian political stagnation that has grown worse over a decade of international neglect.”
Read the full article here.