September 22, 2011 | House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
U.S. Human Rights Toward Iran and Syria
Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
Steve Chabot (R-OH)
Axis of Abuse:
U.S. Human Rights Policy toward Iran and Syria, Part II
You are respectfully requested to attend the following open hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia to be held in Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
Date Thursday, September 22, 2011
Time 2:00 PM
Location Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building
Mr. Michael Singh
Managing Director
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Mr. Mehdi Khalaji
Senior Fellow
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Mr. Alireza Nader
International Policy Analyst
RAND Corporation
Mr. Tony Badran
Research Fellow
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Jon B. Alterman, Ph. D.
Director and Senior Fellow of the Middle East Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies