January 26, 2006 | Press Release

Future Jihad, Terrorist Strategies Against America by FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares

Future Jihad looks to both the past and future of the terrorist campaign against the free world by focusing on its historical, religious and cultural roots.  Along the way, Phares provides insight into the definitive issues in the worldwide struggle against terrorism, including how the Jihadists view and exploit America's weaknesses, the Jihadists' plan for world domination, and how America can best fight and win the war against Salafi and Khumeini Jihadism.

Future Jihad has won international praise:

NBC Military Analyst, Ret. Col. Jack Jacobs says, “Walid Phares understands the mind of the Jihadist world like no one else.”

European Member of Parliament Paulo Casaca says, “This book is a must read not only for all those in America who want to better understand their enemies but specially to those who are facing the ‘soft-jihad' infiltration in their societies that took place before in America.”

Lebanese Member of Parliament Abdallah Hanna says, “His book brings to Western readers what many in the Arab World have learned about first hand, and brings to international readers a global understanding of the emerging threat of Terror… His projections and predictions are cutting edge and an exclusive source to understand the clash of ideas.”

FOX News Foreign Policy Analyst, Alireza Fafarzadeh says, “Dr. Walid Phares is among the few whose expertise allows him to enunciate the differences between those who misuse the religion of Islam for their extremist, terrorist agenda, and the mainstream Muslims who believe in democracy, religious tolerance, and the rule of law.”

Many other endorsements and quotes can be found on www.futurejihad.com.

Published by Palgrave MacMillan, Future Jihad, Terrorist Strategies Against America is available in stores and online November 16, 2005.

Dr. Walid Phares is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a policy institute focused on defeating terrorist ideologies and promoting democracy.  Dr. Phares also serves as an MSNBC/NBC terrorism expert and professor of Middle East studies, ethnic and religious conflict at Florida Atlantic University.

Walid Phares is available to discuss his book, including:

• What weaknesses and holes do the Jihadists see in America and the West, and how they will exploit them;
• What Osama bin Laden's destiny is in the minds of his followers;
• Are the Jihadists alone, or do they have backing from other powers and states?
• Why will “mutant Jihad” be more dangerous than ever; and what can be done to stop it?

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